So! This week! I'd be lying if I said it wasn't tough. J.dropping mega sucked, and D. couldn't meet, and basically for some reason every appointment we usually have fell through for one reason or another, meaning what?? A lot of going to old addresses of hopefully deaf people and knocking, and not being sure if them not answering means they aren't home, or that they're deaf and don't know we're there.
So... Lots of long waiting, praying, knocking again, praying, waiting, etc on doors this week with only a very small amount of answered doors. But! I want to share with you not the times my patience was tried, but the times it was rewarded!!
One of the people we were actually successfully able to meet is named R. M., who is an incredible woman. Soooo strong in the gospel and has such a powerful love for Christ. Anyway. We've been reading the New Testament Picture Stories with her, and her husband has always made sure he was not with us when we were there. But on Saturday he joined. And read with us, and even gave the closing prayer, which was very powerful. Heavenly Father does bless those who work hard with miracles. And it may not be in the miracles you want, or in Miracles that most would consider as a miracle, but by Jove, they are there.
First testimony builder of this week.
The other main one was Sunday it was the primary program, and ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, boys and girls, I have never been more touched In a meeting. Never. Watching those children whose families I've taught and read with and helped, get up and testify in song and in the best words or signs they could muster about the validity and power of Jesus Christ was the most rewarding thing I've ever been able to gain. I know for a fact that that 45 minute period of those kids explaining the gospel with the simplicity only children can affected the adults and parents there more than 80 lessons with me. It was amazing. I love this gospel. And am so grateful for such a spiritually uplifting thing to end a week like this one!:)
God is good. Church is true. And I'm still kicking. That's about it.
Elder Roberts
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