Friday, July 14, 2017

We are all enlisted!

Well first week in a new ward is always exciting! Westfield is where I've been transfered to, and holy guacamole! it's a great place! my new companion is Elder Barton, who is a total stud. we're going to kill this transfer! I haven't been in the area for very long, so I'm still trying to get to know the members, but literally, this area is the promise land! haha we talk to everyone we see, including talking to people at stop lights through the window, yes that means I also have a car again! Whoop! Haha we've seen so many miracles because of this, and honestly had some stinking good times! The northern part of our area has some somewhat richer areas, and of course, everyone needs the gospel, so we go tracting up in there quite a bit! It's been super fun. Get so many random responses, it's hilarious.

In my personal study, I'm still in the war chapters of Alma. haha studying the Book of Mormon has easily become my favorite thing in the whole wide world. It makes me so happy, I've always wanted a relationship like this with the scriptures, and it's no surprise it comes now, when all I'm doing is talking about it with everyone! This week, I realized how much the wars of the Nephites is like the war in the pre earth life! Revelations 12:11 talks about what it took of us to defeat Satan, the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and lastly, not loving our lives unto the death, meaning not getting so caught up in what we want that we lose sight of the bigger picture! All of these were needed then, and are needed again in the Book of Mormon time! Moroni is such a great example of these, as well as the stripling warriors!
Now of course, these 3 things are just as vital for us today! And want to know the best part? WE'RE ALL FIGHTING FOR THE SAME THING! In the Book of Mormon, we learn they were fighting for their freedom, their god, and their family! Think about what we're fighting for now, isn't it the same? As well as in the war in heaven, it all comes down to those three things. Moroni calls this the "cause of the Christians!" so fitting! and anyone that calls themselves Christian is enlisted! We need everyone! I know as we continue to depend on the blood of the Lamb, deepen our testimony, and love not our lives more than we love God, we will come off conqueror as did Moroni!
Anyway! love y'all!

Elder Roberts

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