Friday, July 14, 2017

We healed a car.

Probably the theme of this week was "did that really happen this
week??" Hahaha it's felt super long, but it's been so crazy good!

First off. Elizabeth. Oh man. Hahahaha she's probably one of my
favorite people alive. Hahaha she's so stinking funny. The whole week
leading up to her baptism we met with her, and she'd always have funny
questions we'd answer, but really she'd answer, she just wanted to
double check. So solid. No sweat. Until Friday night, she texts us at
10:45 saying she's gonna have to cancel, and since we are asleep
#obedient we don't answer. So she texts all of her fellow shippers who
then all text/call us. What a thing to wake up to at 6 am! Hahaha we
ended up calling Elizabeth and talking on the phone for an hour and a
half almost from 7-8:30ish, just talking about fear, and what God
wants of us, and finally she goes "before I'm baptized, I should
probably shower" and left it at that. Yump. It was one of the best
baptisms I've ever been to! The talks were killer, the musical number
was wild. The spirit of God on piano in the prettiest stinking

On our way to lunch, we saw a guy who needed to jump his car, so we
stop and help him with our ward mission leader, so we get it going,
and just sit and let it charge for a good minute, then the dude goes
to try and start it, and nothing. Not even kind of. He comes back
dejectedly, but we get him to give it one more shot, but pray before.
It worked. Car starts. He jumps out of the car freaking out! Hahahaha!
So hilarious! Miracles come by faithful prayers. Promise.
Elder Roberts


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