Monday, November 23, 2015

Serving like Ammon. . .

As the subject implies, I cut off a ton of arms this week. Really wish people would stop stealing my sheep. Is that too much to ask??

Oh, also, leading up to the arm cutting, we had service projects EVER DAY this week except Sunday.  

Saving Smiles with Puppet

Did Saving smiles 3 more days, and were usually only informed that we were needed there like at 9 the night before. Awesome. But it was again, an awesome experience. We made best friends with our teacher guy named Enrique, who was straight up an animal. So funny and cool. Seeds were definitely planted in him, and
many others. We also served thanksgiving dinner at a nursing home! We have a deaf member that lives there so we volunteered for their thanksgiving thing, and it was so fun. Me and Mary, that's the members name, chatted for awhile, and it turns out she loves Michael Jackson. Deaf people are full of surprises.:)

Digging a Sewer--Ewww!

The last service project was digging a massive sewer hole for this super amazing nonmember who lives on a ranch and is getting up there in years, so that was an adventure. We had to cut the pipe pretty early on, so a majority of
the digging was with soaked mud that weighed a ton, and smelled like, well... So after a 6 cube hole, my arm was basically dead. So of course the next day would be the day I gave my talk in sacrament meeting! It went super well. Very odd to have someone speak everything you sign though. Throws you off like crazy. But it was good fun!
Talked on happiness, and gods plan for us, and it was cool to bare my testimony and feel the difference from when I bore my testimony my first week here! Lord works miracles!

Had many good lessons with families and with Brayden. Also. Heard Elder Packer, President Packers son, speak Sunday! And interpreted for Boekweg for a solid hour! Aka he missed about an hour of what was said... Poor chap. Just kidding. I think I did a good job! And if not, the Holy Ghost has me covered!

Anyway. Love y'all.

Elder Roberts

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bus catching and rain

This week was pretty gnarly. Me and Elder H road the bus, and holy guacamole. That was an experience. Like, downtown Houston? Smells.... . . Great. Lemme tell ya. 

Also, when riding public transit, expect delays of up to 35 minutes for the bus driver to take a smoke break. I will
forever regret not giving her a word of wisdom pamphlet. But it's okay. Because we stopped and ate some doughnuts for lunch and I had my first chocolate milk since I got here, and also feel like I have just
that much more street cred.

We also had 8 week follow up, which is where we meet with President and the APs and go over our outlines for the first three lessons. That is until president gets inspired, scraps the entire agenda, and we group outline a flipping awesome outline for someone with no religious back ground, and very little understanding. Basically a King Lamoni approach. Holy smokes. I've never seen the spirit work as efficiently as it did with president Mortenson that day. Seriously. It was epic.

Saturday we went trick or treating until mid night. Just kidding. We went to a members house for dinner, said hi to our Zone leaders, and were in our apartment by 9. It was a wild night. Lemme tell ya. 

We were actually told to not proselyte after 5. Which I thought was silly. I mean, that'd prolly set records for most answered doors in tracting history.

Other things that happened, we got wrecked with rain. So much rain. It was so awesome. I wanted to dance in it and jump in the lake sized puddles, but decided I'd rather not hate myself after. It was awesome.

Houston is awesome. Also, it's hilarious because when it rains, crap goes down here. We had an appointment to visit a less active with another member Saturday morning, but the one member coming with bailed because there was a flood warning an hour before. I mean, it had stopped raining by the time he bailed. It was pretty funny. And the stop lights all malfunction, which makes the Houston traffic even worse, and it's just epic. Like, everything is bigger in Texas, including chaos. I love it. 

Also. We went to the lesson with the LA without the member, and it went swimmingly. Reading the New Testament stories with her. Super fun. Gets me mega excited for Christmas.

Now. Spiritual experiences! There were a couple! One: on bus day, we got off at one stop in the middle of downtown Houston. It smelled like... I don't actually know. But it was not a smell I necessarily cherish. And we were like oh crap. The bus it tells us to get on next doesn't stop here. Where the flip. And happen, we see the bus we needed on a perpendicular street. And we're like well. And start to run. And the bus stops, about 2 blocks away, and we know we're done for, but run anyway. And the bus doesn't leave. And we run. And the
bus still doesn't leave. We finally, panting because we've both enjoyed Texan hospitality a little too much, make it to the bus and see the drivers were switching!! If we had missed that bus, we would have had to wait for an hour. In downtown Houston. Prolly losing brain cells based on the clearly low percentage of O2 in the air we would be forced to breath. And the last thing I need is to lose more brain cells. So I'm very grateful for that, along with many other, tender mercies.

Another thing, the member who was going to join our lesson, his name is M. C., and he's an animal. He's so funny. Also. He's our neighbor. So we see him a crap ton. And today, he walked into Sunday school, and I was like M.! It's good to see you! And he gave me flack because I see him basically every day. And I was
like it just means I need to see you twice everyday and we bantered back and forth and it was awesome. And then. Happen. He bore his testimony. And GAVE ME A SHOUT OUT. And gave me more flack over the pulpit... But it was fantastic.

Super good week! Thanks for all the prayers. I love you all!

Elder Roberts

Bless My Son - Nashville Tribute Band (Lyrics)